India is a beautiful place. Sometimes I get sucked into being negative about the everyday things that are hard to manage (I walked 45 minutes today to get to a class meeting which was canceled, and no one had told me). But tonight, on a whim, I went out to the balcony at Tagore. There is a full moon out, and it was beautiful. Dave was out there with a tea candle just standing and looking out. He and I leave within a couple days of each other. I joined him on the balcony for a minute, and then I saw light below. Bhavani and Tanvi were lighting fireworks for the first full moon after Diwali.

I sat outside with probably ten other people from Tagore and we watched the sparklers and crackers go off. It was beautiful to watch, and it was so nice outside. I’ll miss these nights. I’ll miss relaxing and watching movies and sitting outside for a while in November because I feel like it. I fell like I need to squeeze everything in the last 10 days I have here. I had pizza tonight with Val, and I only have one more Pizza Wednesday before I leave, and I organized a dinner at Chili’s a few days before I leave, so I’ll get my last trip to InOrbit in.

I’m ready, but I’m also not. I’ll miss these nights.